I'm stucked in uni for this year's 1st Jan. What's the best thing I can do when I don't have class for like 3 days here? Watching movie of course. Just finished Gossip Girl season 2. Ya, I know I'm outdated! Back to the series. Hmm..... basically I prefer the first season though. Pity Blair. And Dan. But I'm still enjoying every bit of it! ^^
I have a feeling that this is not going to be a good semester for me. I forgot my account's pin number which means I wouldn't get my money for the next three weeks I'm here! What could get any worse??! I'm so much regret that I didn't go back pg on last sunday. Neway, what's passed is past. Think at the positive side, I don't have to skip class and I could actually watch a few series that's been in my laptop for a few months already. Maybe I shouldn't complain much, should I?
On another thing, 'Ah Phuek' is going to KL soon. We won't get to meet till cny's break. I sure will miss her alot! Take care there! ^^
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I don't know how should I start. Deep down I feel so sad. So sad that I wish I were in uni instead of home. Sometimes things are so funny isn't it? People just don't seem to be satisfied with what they have. Time passes real fast. Next friday I'm going back uni already. And then sem 4 would be waiting for me. And then I need to struggle with 7 papers, 22 credit hours that is. I can't imagine how tough would that be. Ready to 'pia' for it!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My 21st Birthday (11 days ago)
I'm back! Back to penang after a string of exams! Feeling exhausted as though I've just back from a war. swt. I didn't bring laptop to uni cos' wana concentrate on finals last minute study ma......kuai betul! hehe.....

The first thing I wana blog about is my 21st Birthday, which was erm......11 days ago. Though it was just like any other days but somehow I felt special on that day. Thanks to js and my parents. Js accompanied me for the whole day. I mean from 12pm-11pm! And I got a surprise gift from him! I've never expect that he would give me those things! He actually did a teddy bear (which I called Or Or for some reasons) and a bottle filled with stars himself! Those things are priceless to me! As for my parents, they bought me a cake and ang pow. ^^
Thanks dumbo for giving me Or Or to accompany me when you're not by my side!
Thanks mum and dad for the cake and ang pows!
Thanks chee for ur wish in your blog! ( just saw it today. paiseh very long din online d!)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
KL Trip (31/10 - 2/11)
Oh boy! I haven't been updating my blog since like 3 weeks ago! Partly cos' I'm busy lately.....and lazy! hehe....Neway, just back from KL 2 days ago. Yup,u heard me right! I went to KL straight away after my first paper on last friday! By plane with js! ^^ Went to KL to attend my cousin's wedding. I would consider myself lucky cos' I got to attend it. It was our big family's annual trip and we chose to go to KL. Overall, it was a great trip.

Day 1
They went by bus while js and I joined them there. They went to 'Tian Hou Gong' and Ikea whick I've never been before. That time I was having AIS paper at DP4 FTM. *sigh* At about 7.30pm, we finally reached KL and joined them at Kajang for dinner. Sate Kajang. Hmm.....it's not as nice as the other restaurant we used to eat at. SO, didn't really ate much. =(
After that, went to Aunty Cheng's house at Kajang and cousin's house at Puchong. Then, head to the hotel to check in. Tired....
Day 2
We need to gather at the lobby at 7am as the bride and bridegroom would reach at 7am for the 'yam cha' ceremony. Neway, we reached there only at around 8am though it was only 20min away from his house. You know la.....some of them not punctual wan ma. After the 'yam cha' and breakfast, it's shopping time! Went to Sunway Pyramid. Hmm.....what can I say? I managed to get only a pair of shoes. *sigh* Then, back to hotel again to get ready for the wedding dinner at Tai Thong. We started only at around 8.45pm cos some of the guests were late. We were starving already by that time. Then, got the 'yum seng' all that. Very 'lau juak' hehe..... The bride and bridegroom are very matching too! (both of them sama sama tall-around 180cm!After that, went back to hotel again. Tired Tired!
Day 3
Gather at 9am. Before that had breakfast at the kopitiam nearby. Then, went to Jalan Imbi for the famous Muk Koot Tea. Hmm.....the food was not bad though. The best thing bout it was that I got to take pictures with Jay Chou! hehe.....There were also Leehom, SHE, Aaron Kwok and Raymond Cho just to name a few. Then, went to KLCC. My sis and I wanted to go Sg Wang eh but Ah Nee Chi Chi said we didn't mention ealier. So go KLCC nia lo. Neway, managed to get a shirt for myself and js. Around 2pm, we bid farewell to KL and went to Ipoh to buy salted chicken and pao. Had dinner at Tambun Fish Village. Reached home at about 9.20pm. Super tired.

Overall, we had a great time. Travelling with one big family would always be fun! Plus this year went with js! Wonder next year would go where pulak......^^

Thursday, October 9, 2008
I haven't been blogging for quite some time. Since some people criticized my blog saying I have lousy english. Ya, I'm a very "simpan dendam" eh person. I would keep in my mind for a long time before I decided that it's actually not a big deal. Basically i got nothing to blog about. Just wanna find something to do cos' i'm so damn bored now! I always remind myself to study study and study! But somehow i end up playing games or online. Then' I would start panic when the exam is near.
During the raya break, I didn't go out with friends that often. Mostly spent my time with family. Nevertheless, it was still one of the best break ever! We went to Batu Kawan for seafood. Oh, I got a dress for my cousin's wedding already! Hmm......kinda expensive though but thanx to mum! hehe.....
I did a stupid thing. I cried in front of them when we were on the way to grandma's birthday dinner. They were like asking me what happened and even thought that I cried because I argue with js or wat. I told them it's not. I didn't tell them the real reason until mum found out that I cried on bed that night....again. She told me I should tell them why I cried as they are worried of me. I decided to tell out everything. I told them I felt being left out and that they don't care for me that much anymore. I knew she was sad when she heard that. She told me not to think that anymore as they still love me very much. Especially my dad. He would always remind my mum to call me when I'm in uni. He would always cook for me when I'm back home. He would call me when I didn't back home after midnight. My mum told me all that and said that my dad would be real sad if he knew I said that he dun care for me. Just then I realized that I'm actually so immatured and stupid.
The next day mum told me to call dad to apologize. I did. I told him I'm dumb and don't know how to think. I asked for his apologize and he did accept it and told me not to think about that anymore. From that on, I could feel that they are treating me differently. The better they treat me, the more guilty I would feel. Cos' I've hurt them and made them worried. How stupid I am right?
To those who cares for me, I promise I wouldn't simply think anymore and I would take good care of myself~
During the raya break, I didn't go out with friends that often. Mostly spent my time with family. Nevertheless, it was still one of the best break ever! We went to Batu Kawan for seafood. Oh, I got a dress for my cousin's wedding already! Hmm......kinda expensive though but thanx to mum! hehe.....
I did a stupid thing. I cried in front of them when we were on the way to grandma's birthday dinner. They were like asking me what happened and even thought that I cried because I argue with js or wat. I told them it's not. I didn't tell them the real reason until mum found out that I cried on bed that night....again. She told me I should tell them why I cried as they are worried of me. I decided to tell out everything. I told them I felt being left out and that they don't care for me that much anymore. I knew she was sad when she heard that. She told me not to think that anymore as they still love me very much. Especially my dad. He would always remind my mum to call me when I'm in uni. He would always cook for me when I'm back home. He would call me when I didn't back home after midnight. My mum told me all that and said that my dad would be real sad if he knew I said that he dun care for me. Just then I realized that I'm actually so immatured and stupid.
The next day mum told me to call dad to apologize. I did. I told him I'm dumb and don't know how to think. I asked for his apologize and he did accept it and told me not to think about that anymore. From that on, I could feel that they are treating me differently. The better they treat me, the more guilty I would feel. Cos' I've hurt them and made them worried. How stupid I am right?
To those who cares for me, I promise I wouldn't simply think anymore and I would take good care of myself~
Monday, September 22, 2008
Jay Chou's new album "Capricorn", named after his constellation, will be released across the Asia on October 9.Pre-orders of the album are permitted from September 24, and those interested will receive a free Rubik's Cube.
The album's hit song "Fragrant Rice" is due to premiere worldwide on September 22 on Sina.com

The album's hit song "Fragrant Rice" is due to premiere worldwide on September 22 on Sina.com

为什麼人要这麼的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
不要这麼容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终於飞回我手里
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随著稻香河流继续奔跑
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
不要哭让萤火虫带著你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好
Can't wait for it! ^^
Friday, September 19, 2008
Attacked by Monkeys~
Yesterday was really bad luck! I was attacked by a monkey k!! It happened when Hc and I walked to the mall for dinner. There were like 3 monkeys, one on the roof and another 2 one the ground. Thinking that the monkeys weren't that near, we just walked pass them la. Manatau, while we were walking halfway, on of the monkey suddenly came near me and tried to attack me!!! He used his hand (or leg) to scratched my legs! Luckily I was wearing long pants! The next minute we were screaming like 2 siao po d. *ehem* it's a normal reaction nia k! Then, we tried to run la but luckily the monkey din chase us. After that, we walked to the mall lo when we saw there were a few other students heading to the mall. We had a good laugh when we think back the incident. *swt* What an "experience"!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Of Business Law, Bear Bear and KL trip.........
Gawd! While her roomate is studying for UL2023 which is Business Law, jauyeh is busy onlining without a reason to do so. Ya.....that's me! I'll be sitting for the exam oso for like in 5 hours time and here I am.....checking mails and blogging! Omg! Someone please save me!!!!
I really hate Business Law! It's like you need to memberize all those sections and cases which I doubt I would need it in the future. I wonder why Acct course need to include law papers in it. Tak berkaitan pun! If their purpose is to make us students suffer, ya they've made it! I feel like banging my head against the wall for I couldn't memberize most of the cases and sections be it after reading for like the third time! All I could do is to pray hard later.
Yesterday went to the SDG for the first time in this sem. I was late due to the lazy bus driver who was not willing to move even whne the bus was full already! I should be at the lec's room at 9.30am but made it there at 9.40am instead. So ma kena from the lec lo! (Bear Bear says: "You are late. What time is it now? It's already 9.40am! You don't know how to use a watch ah?")
Well, Bear Bear is a nick I created for her actually. I even created a poem for her which sounds like this:
I really hate Business Law! It's like you need to memberize all those sections and cases which I doubt I would need it in the future. I wonder why Acct course need to include law papers in it. Tak berkaitan pun! If their purpose is to make us students suffer, ya they've made it! I feel like banging my head against the wall for I couldn't memberize most of the cases and sections be it after reading for like the third time! All I could do is to pray hard later.
Yesterday went to the SDG for the first time in this sem. I was late due to the lazy bus driver who was not willing to move even whne the bus was full already! I should be at the lec's room at 9.30am but made it there at 9.40am instead. So ma kena from the lec lo! (Bear Bear says: "You are late. What time is it now? It's already 9.40am! You don't know how to use a watch ah?")
Well, Bear Bear is a nick I created for her actually. I even created a poem for her which sounds like this:
Body like a pear,
Face like a bear,
Always black face,
Makes people scared.
Well, sounds childish but that's the first poem I've ever created for someone. She should be proud of it right? =)
Oh on a happier note, I'll be attending my cousin's wedding in KL on 31Oct. And I'll be going with JS by plane from alor setar! =D That's if there's still seats left in the bus when we return from KL. If not I'm gonna stay in penang.=(
Let's just hope we get to go k. Okie okie, it's time to get back to my business law d! Wish me luck ya!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Dark hole.......
It's been quite some time since I blog. First, I don't really have time to blog when i was in penang last week (or rather lazy....hehe). Secondly, the connection in UUM is NOT GOOD!
Many things had happened since I'm back from penang. Just in one week itself! Perhaps I'm the one that should be blamed. Perhaps I shouldn't give him that much of pressure. Perhaps I shouldn't have told him to study. Perhaps I shouldn't care that much. But still I care. Still I forced him. Still I gave him so much pressure. I don't want him to feel sad anymore. I'm too selfish that i started to hate myself. I feel so helpless. I don't know what can I do anymore........
Many things had happened since I'm back from penang. Just in one week itself! Perhaps I'm the one that should be blamed. Perhaps I shouldn't give him that much of pressure. Perhaps I shouldn't have told him to study. Perhaps I shouldn't care that much. But still I care. Still I forced him. Still I gave him so much pressure. I don't want him to feel sad anymore. I'm too selfish that i started to hate myself. I feel so helpless. I don't know what can I do anymore........
Friday, August 22, 2008
New Hairstyle~

Monday, August 18, 2008
A short one..........
One week break is just so not enough! It's like today is the fourth day I'm back in penang already but i've done nothing yet. I haven't read any single thing for my mid-sem exam yet. One over five more to go. 4 assignments waiting for me. *sigh* why can't I have a good break?? A break which I can really enjoy? Anyway, it's not that I have anything to do or place I want to go. You see it's kinda bored this sem break. Neway, I'm still enjoying it to bits and have been fully booked for the next 3 days! hehe......Neway, cut a new hairstyle. Kinda love it! =)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Of Assignments and Throat........
Lately has been busy with assignments. i don't even have time to watch TVB series which I've copied from my friends 2 weeks ago. Worse things worse, I'll be having SIX papers for mid-sem which starts on next thursday (14/8) ! Miserable isn't it? The good news is that I have gaps between the papers but the downside would be that I haven't start doing revision for any of it yet! =______=
Honestly, I kinda like the subjects for this sem......except for Financial Management. You see, the lecturer is not really a good lecturer. I mean she did make an effort to teach but I just don't like her. She pronounces the word "question" as "quetion" without the "s". I'm not trying to be rude and I'm not good in english but seriously, "quetion"?????
I'm so bored now! Waiting for js to finish his class cos' mine finished earlier by one hour today. My throat is not feeling well this 2 days. I'm not sure what's wrong but it feels as though I've accidentally swallowed a sweet everytime I "swallows" saliva. Still considering whether want to go PKU later or not since I'm lazy to wait for the bus......Should I or shouldn't I?
Honestly, I kinda like the subjects for this sem......except for Financial Management. You see, the lecturer is not really a good lecturer. I mean she did make an effort to teach but I just don't like her. She pronounces the word "question" as "quetion" without the "s". I'm not trying to be rude and I'm not good in english but seriously, "quetion"?????
I'm so bored now! Waiting for js to finish his class cos' mine finished earlier by one hour today. My throat is not feeling well this 2 days. I'm not sure what's wrong but it feels as though I've accidentally swallowed a sweet everytime I "swallows" saliva. Still considering whether want to go PKU later or not since I'm lazy to wait for the bus......Should I or shouldn't I?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Cincai Updates~
Lately I've been kinda lazy to update my blog. Afterall, it's not like there's anyone who's gonna read my blog......plus I got nothing to blog either. ==" Life in uni is really boring. Everyday is just like a routine. From the time I wake up till the time I sleep. Anyway, I prefer going to classes than staying in room lar.....unless I can online in my room. Which surprisingly I can now!
By the way, I went to golf course for my ko-k last saturday. We were formed into a group of 5. Being alone in the class (as in no friends), I'm glad that I had a group. You see, I really hate this kind of group thingy when I don't have other friends in a class. First, you need to look around to see if there's any other lonesome so that you could join them. Second, you need to intro yourself and basically that's the end of the conversation. Full stop. Okay back to my golf. Believe me. Playing golf isn't as easy as it looks. I've tried many times to swing it but each time hit nothing but the wind. ==" Anyway, I did had a great time! And did saw a few guys who's really good at golf! The way they swing their golf club (not sure if it's being called golf club or driver or wood) really caught my attention.
In another incident, I suffered some sort of minor injuries today. In a bus that is! It's like i was standing at the stairs with my left hand holding a book and water bottle and another one holding the pole. (a steel where you can actually hold onto when you are standing) Due to the inconsiderate bus driver who drove as if he was being chase by a bull, me, TAN JAU YEH, fell. I had bruises on my leg. A big one. sigh*
Oh guess what?? Js' 21st birthday is tomorrow!!! Sad to say I still havent get him a present! Js, I know you would forgive me bout' that wan rite???? I promise I will ganti back next week k? We will go Laluan B to celebrate with you. Lots of surprise coming to you ya! =)
Can't wait to go back penang next week!!! =)
By the way, I went to golf course for my ko-k last saturday. We were formed into a group of 5. Being alone in the class (as in no friends), I'm glad that I had a group. You see, I really hate this kind of group thingy when I don't have other friends in a class. First, you need to look around to see if there's any other lonesome so that you could join them. Second, you need to intro yourself and basically that's the end of the conversation. Full stop. Okay back to my golf. Believe me. Playing golf isn't as easy as it looks. I've tried many times to swing it but each time hit nothing but the wind. ==" Anyway, I did had a great time! And did saw a few guys who's really good at golf! The way they swing their golf club (not sure if it's being called golf club or driver or wood) really caught my attention.
In another incident, I suffered some sort of minor injuries today. In a bus that is! It's like i was standing at the stairs with my left hand holding a book and water bottle and another one holding the pole. (a steel where you can actually hold onto when you are standing) Due to the inconsiderate bus driver who drove as if he was being chase by a bull, me, TAN JAU YEH, fell. I had bruises on my leg. A big one. sigh*
Oh guess what?? Js' 21st birthday is tomorrow!!! Sad to say I still havent get him a present! Js, I know you would forgive me bout' that wan rite???? I promise I will ganti back next week k? We will go Laluan B to celebrate with you. Lots of surprise coming to you ya! =)
Can't wait to go back penang next week!!! =)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sem 3 has begun~
Today is the third day in uni for sem 3 already. Things hasn't been running smoothly for me this sem.
Second day of third sem:
I got class at 8am till 5pm with just an hour and a half for break. Hell, that was tiring! I had class before I went for lunch at 2pm. By that time I was starving like what already! Not to mention about the price of the food which had increased at least Rmo.50! It's like our PTPTN already being deducted RM1.5k this sem and with the increasment of price that we are experiencing now means that: ---------->> less going to changlun and less trip of going back to penang! =(
About my course pulak, I walked to FPP from FPK for like 3 times just to activate the stupid damn matric thingy so that I could add the damn KAM3023!!! In the end, we went to FE to activate instead because the person in charge in FPP said that only sem 4 and above can activate today. And I wonder why FE could do that for us but not FPP. So no efficient right?
And according to them, we could do the add drop thingy today. Therefore, js asked Kchuan to do for us because he has a broadband. But guess what? I received a call from js telling me that they open the add drop thing for sem 3 only on 9 July. Again, what a let down for us towards UUM....... speechless bout' that. =__________=
Third day of third sem which is today:
Well, there's nothing special for today except that I woke up having a headache + flu. Oh then I tried my new lens which I couldn't remember which power is for which side. Double swt for me right? =="" Guess I couldn't be any dumber already! I mean how could I even forgot things like that?? But mind you, I'm wearing it for the second month only. So, can be forgiven la......hehe
Life here is so boring......and here I am. At the office of Bank Rakyat (previously was Bukit Kachi 1) surfing the net because of boredom. 5 weeks to go before one week of break! sigh*
First day of third sem which was last saturday:
I already had the experience of being alone in class. I'm having a different class with js for my ko-k which I chose golf. Unfortunately. I'm in the same class with yk instead. Knowing that we barely have any conversation nowadays, I decided to sit alone in the front row with a total stranger......Second day of third sem:
I got class at 8am till 5pm with just an hour and a half for break. Hell, that was tiring! I had class before I went for lunch at 2pm. By that time I was starving like what already! Not to mention about the price of the food which had increased at least Rmo.50! It's like our PTPTN already being deducted RM1.5k this sem and with the increasment of price that we are experiencing now means that: ---------->> less going to changlun and less trip of going back to penang! =(
About my course pulak, I walked to FPP from FPK for like 3 times just to activate the stupid damn matric thingy so that I could add the damn KAM3023!!! In the end, we went to FE to activate instead because the person in charge in FPP said that only sem 4 and above can activate today. And I wonder why FE could do that for us but not FPP. So no efficient right?
And according to them, we could do the add drop thingy today. Therefore, js asked Kchuan to do for us because he has a broadband. But guess what? I received a call from js telling me that they open the add drop thing for sem 3 only on 9 July. Again, what a let down for us towards UUM....... speechless bout' that. =__________=
Third day of third sem which is today:
Well, there's nothing special for today except that I woke up having a headache + flu. Oh then I tried my new lens which I couldn't remember which power is for which side. Double swt for me right? =="" Guess I couldn't be any dumber already! I mean how could I even forgot things like that?? But mind you, I'm wearing it for the second month only. So, can be forgiven la......hehe
Life here is so boring......and here I am. At the office of Bank Rakyat (previously was Bukit Kachi 1) surfing the net because of boredom. 5 weeks to go before one week of break! sigh*
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I read this in a forwarded mail and I find it very true.........
As we grow up, we learn that even the
one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will
have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll
fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone
you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness
you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid
that it will never begin.
one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will
have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time.
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll
fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone
you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never
been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness
you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid
that it will never begin.
2 Days left before going back to UUM!! =( =(
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Lunta Island, Krabi, Thailand
Lunta Island, Krabi, Thailand...........
6 Days left before going back to UUM! =( =(
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Of A Broken Friendship..........
Lately I've read many blogs about friendship. It's an issue that no matter how old you are, you might still be having a problem with it. Especially when you are a teen. And I'm no exceptional. Recently, I'm having that issue with a friend. A friend whom I've been quite close during my last sem. A friend whom I had much fun with. I don't know what happened and the next minute he didn't message me anymore. History is repeating itself again. This is not the first time already. I'd experienced it in the first sem. With different people that is. I don't know what I did wrong and I longed for an explanation. I need to get it right before things get awry.
Neway, we celebrated Uncle Banana's birthday yesterday. At first we planned to go to a cafe somewhere around pulau tikus. Unfortunately, it was closed and we ended up at a japanese restaurant. The food was not bad actually......except for the miso soup which was toooooo salty! I had Unagi set which comes with a bowl of rice, salad, salty miso soup, two slices of orange and ice cream and it's only RM9.90. So, overall it's worth it! =) Too bad I didn't snap any picture. I'm just too lazy to do all that....Thanks again Uncle Banana for the treat! hehe.
Well, that's about the food. What i really wanted to blog about is those who attended the dinner. There were like 12 of us at a table but basically 'we' were just chatting to Kchuan. The 'we' I'm referring to are Js and I. I don't know when we had became outsiders in the gang. I don't know why Eng would dislike us. Or just me. I know deep down Js feels upset about it although he told me he doesn't care. Sometimes, i felt that I'm the one who should be blamed. I mean he used to be close to Eng but things changed after I'm with him. I really don't know what I can do anymore. For the first time ever i hope I'm in UUM now. I want to get busy so that I won't have so much time to think about all those silly things.
Lately got addicted to:
Neway, we celebrated Uncle Banana's birthday yesterday. At first we planned to go to a cafe somewhere around pulau tikus. Unfortunately, it was closed and we ended up at a japanese restaurant. The food was not bad actually......except for the miso soup which was toooooo salty! I had Unagi set which comes with a bowl of rice, salad, salty miso soup, two slices of orange and ice cream and it's only RM9.90. So, overall it's worth it! =) Too bad I didn't snap any picture. I'm just too lazy to do all that....Thanks again Uncle Banana for the treat! hehe.
Well, that's about the food. What i really wanted to blog about is those who attended the dinner. There were like 12 of us at a table but basically 'we' were just chatting to Kchuan. The 'we' I'm referring to are Js and I. I don't know when we had became outsiders in the gang. I don't know why Eng would dislike us. Or just me. I know deep down Js feels upset about it although he told me he doesn't care. Sometimes, i felt that I'm the one who should be blamed. I mean he used to be close to Eng but things changed after I'm with him. I really don't know what I can do anymore. For the first time ever i hope I'm in UUM now. I want to get busy so that I won't have so much time to think about all those silly things.
Lately got addicted to:
- David Cook's Always Be My Baby which was originally sang by Mariah Carey
- Rihanna's Take A Bow
- Taylor Swift's Teardrops On My Guitar
10 Days left before going back to UUM =( =(
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Of Loneliness and Relationships........
I feel extremely lonely tonight. All I want is a long break with a group of friends. Basically I didn't really had a break since my finals were over. I've been working even before I sat for my last paper. Honestly, I feel really tired. Not physically but mentally. I'm not happy with my working environment. Luckily it's just a part time job.
On a happier note, my relationship with js are getting better and better each day. I finally told him about what I really feel and he already accepted it and forgive me. I knew I'd hurt him when I told him all that but I really don't wanna hide it from him. I feel that it's not fair to him. Some might say I'm foolish for telling him that but I'm relieved that I finally had the courage to tell him. What's more important but to be true to your partner in a relationship, right? =)
Haiz..... Thinking bout' having to work tomorrow really spoiled my mood.....=(
17 Days left before going back UUM.... =( =(
On a happier note, my relationship with js are getting better and better each day. I finally told him about what I really feel and he already accepted it and forgive me. I knew I'd hurt him when I told him all that but I really don't wanna hide it from him. I feel that it's not fair to him. Some might say I'm foolish for telling him that but I'm relieved that I finally had the courage to tell him. What's more important but to be true to your partner in a relationship, right? =)
Haiz..... Thinking bout' having to work tomorrow really spoiled my mood.....=(
17 Days left before going back UUM.... =( =(
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Last night was fun. Chee, Mlean and I went to the beach and had some sort of girls talk. With Vodka and beer of course. We chat about many things. When I'm with them, I feel so much comfortable because I could just do and say what I want without having to worry that they might have hard feelings. They are the friends that I could turn to whenever I have probs. Somehow I still feel that they are hiding certain things from me. Maybe that's me. I would have doubts in someone even when she/he is close to me. Never mind about that already. Here's some of the pics we took yesterday......
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Of Friends and Lies~
Everytime before clicking this page, I've already had in my mind on what to blog about. But somehow when I'm in it, my mind just goes blank.
I've been kinda down lately. I mean I had many things in my mind. Mostly about relationships with people. I'm not really good at socializing. I have to work hard in tying the bonds with strangers. Which explains why I don't really make any new friends in uni. Just when I thought I had a few friends which I could confide in when I have probs, I realised that they are not who I think they were. Human being is so realistic. I've learned alot from the office I'm working part time currently. They have different masks when dealing with different people. In front they would act as though they are so nice and down-to-earth. But behind their masks, they're no angel but a poisonous snake. Well, I may sound harsh in this but it's true. You just wouldn't know when they would turn their back on you. So do friends.
A friend told me that she's not as good as everyone think she is. I wanted to tell her that no one is perfect actually. And to me she's the best friend I could've ever asked for! Thanks for listening to me all the time.
I've been kinda down lately. I mean I had many things in my mind. Mostly about relationships with people. I'm not really good at socializing. I have to work hard in tying the bonds with strangers. Which explains why I don't really make any new friends in uni. Just when I thought I had a few friends which I could confide in when I have probs, I realised that they are not who I think they were. Human being is so realistic. I've learned alot from the office I'm working part time currently. They have different masks when dealing with different people. In front they would act as though they are so nice and down-to-earth. But behind their masks, they're no angel but a poisonous snake. Well, I may sound harsh in this but it's true. You just wouldn't know when they would turn their back on you. So do friends.
A friend told me that she's not as good as everyone think she is. I wanted to tell her that no one is perfect actually. And to me she's the best friend I could've ever asked for! Thanks for listening to me all the time.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Of sushi, nail polishing n.......a rat!
I should have blog this yesterday actually. Yesterday was fun. We went to Chee's house to make sushi and black sugar jelly. Well, it's not really sushi. It's seaweed,ham,boiled egg, tuna and japanese cucumber wrapped with erm...bread. Flattened bread that is..... Surprisingly, it was good! So does the black sugar jelly!
After that we had a few games of 'chor dai ti' and tha rule is who loses must eat the bread sushi. Well, guess Pris doesn't have lady luck by her side. Neway, Mlean and I ate a few cos' we just can't resist the temptation of the sushi. Trust me.....it's really delicious! After we got bored with the game, it's time for nail polishing! Pris brought a box of nail polish and we were testing every colors. From yellow to pink to blue. In the end.....tadaa! I remove it all and my nails are still colorless now. cos' Mlean said milky colors are hard to polish and I don't really like transparent colors. While we were busy polishing our nails, Chee suddenly shouted. Then the next thing we knew we were already standing on the chairs. Guess what? A rat actually jumped out from the garbage when Chee wanted to tie it up. So we werelike throwing things at the place it was hiding but to no avail. It did not come out and we decided to give up. hehe.....
Then we headed to 'kou lou char hor fun'. Unfortunately, it was closed so we went Northam Beach Cafe instead. Then headed back home.
As I've promised js, I accompanied him for supper after his work. And you know what? I drove all the way! without my specs nor lens!!! hehe. We went to his dad's office cos' he had to print something for her sis. Oh how sweet he is right? Such a good bro! Love him to bits! =) A simple date complete my day! Before that, I've got my results for second sem. And it's not good! Need to work harder next sem!!
After that we had a few games of 'chor dai ti' and tha rule is who loses must eat the bread sushi. Well, guess Pris doesn't have lady luck by her side. Neway, Mlean and I ate a few cos' we just can't resist the temptation of the sushi. Trust me.....it's really delicious! After we got bored with the game, it's time for nail polishing! Pris brought a box of nail polish and we were testing every colors. From yellow to pink to blue. In the end.....tadaa! I remove it all and my nails are still colorless now. cos' Mlean said milky colors are hard to polish and I don't really like transparent colors. While we were busy polishing our nails, Chee suddenly shouted. Then the next thing we knew we were already standing on the chairs. Guess what? A rat actually jumped out from the garbage when Chee wanted to tie it up. So we werelike throwing things at the place it was hiding but to no avail. It did not come out and we decided to give up. hehe.....
Then we headed to 'kou lou char hor fun'. Unfortunately, it was closed so we went Northam Beach Cafe instead. Then headed back home.
As I've promised js, I accompanied him for supper after his work. And you know what? I drove all the way! without my specs nor lens!!! hehe. We went to his dad's office cos' he had to print something for her sis. Oh how sweet he is right? Such a good bro! Love him to bits! =) A simple date complete my day! Before that, I've got my results for second sem. And it's not good! Need to work harder next sem!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Someone erm.......Behind You?
Today kinda had fun actually. Watched a korean horror movie"Someone behind you" with Khoe and Saw. You see....Normally the movies I suggested to watch will turn out not a nice movie. So as usual it was not a worthy one. Neway, watching movie with Khoe was fun. We were like joking bout the movie though it was a horror movie. The story is about a girl who got these people around her killing her cos' of some curse. So there we were....joking bout who would be the next killer and all those stuff. You know, at first I thought going out with Khoe and Saw would kinda awkward. But surprisingly, it's kinda relaxing and enjoyable. hehe......
It's been 3 days since I met js. He had a fever yesterday and still havent fully recover yet. I feel bad for him cos' I couldn't be with him. I wish I could meet him. I miss him so badly!! Feeling so moodless now. haiz........
It's been 3 days since I met js. He had a fever yesterday and still havent fully recover yet. I feel bad for him cos' I couldn't be with him. I wish I could meet him. I miss him so badly!! Feeling so moodless now. haiz........
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Feeling emotional~
Omg! Guess what? I've just deleted what I've wrote just now and it's like I need to retype everything!!! urgh......! Thing's hasn't run smoothly lately for me isn't it?
Starting off with yesterday. We went to pasar malam near my house. There were like 12 of us and Hmei fetched me. At first I thought there would be only 4 of us but somehow we managed to grab a few friends along at the last minute! hehe......well, I had a great time until yk and gf turn up. I felt weird when I saw them. I mean, I've always wanted yk to bring along his gf whenever we hang out but it's like he did yesterday and it didn't turned out like what I've imagined. I don't even dare to look at them but I'm actually hoping that we don't have to leave that early. I don't know whether I'm sensitive or what but I actually felt that a few pairs of eyes were actually on me. I could felt that I'm blushing! Js was there too. I wish he wouldn't notice that.
Enough about that already. That's bout yesterday. As for today, I've been watching Gossip Girl the whole morning. I love them. Especially Serena and Dan. Chee actually asked me to go Sunway Mall to catch a movie but I not in the mood for it so here I am.....doing all this. Plus, going out needs $$ which is actually the main reason I turned her down. I can't afford to spend alot. I mean I prefer to save though I wanted to go out badly!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Head the ache!
Waking up having a headache is not a good thing......perhaps did not have a good sleep yesterday. Neway, watched Infernal Affairs 3 yesterday. Still enjoying it though I've watched it twice! hehe...You see.....I had a bad day yesterday and it's like i'm full of anger! well, not to say full of anger la.....just that besyok about certain stuff nia lo. First thing is bout my working stuff. It's like the supervisor said "Maybe you've forgotten but I would like to refresh you again that admin allows part-timer to work till 5.30pm only. this week it's ok if work till late abit cos' you are doing A's stuff". Well, actually the story is like this. I'm working in a same office as my sis and so she fetches me to and back from office. So it's like I need to wait for her to finish work then only I can go back lo.So while waiting for her I will do my work. So, last week I work till around 6 something and there my supervisor said that to me. haiz.....susah rite? How I wish I don't have to work and yet still got money to spend!
Ok that's bout yesterday. Well, there's nothing much to write about today. Had breakfast with js and nothing much d. Stay at home whole day d! Oh, did I mention that js said I'm fatter already? huhu......guess I need to start control on my diet d. No supper and lots of exercising!!!! But I just ppk js telling him I don't want go hiking this morning cos' I'm sleepy.....and now....my mum's calling me for tea time, my fav croissant! hehe.... (how to diet ne?) swt.....
Ok that's bout yesterday. Well, there's nothing much to write about today. Had breakfast with js and nothing much d. Stay at home whole day d! Oh, did I mention that js said I'm fatter already? huhu......guess I need to start control on my diet d. No supper and lots of exercising!!!! But I just ppk js telling him I don't want go hiking this morning cos' I'm sleepy.....and now....my mum's calling me for tea time, my fav croissant! hehe.... (how to diet ne?) swt.....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
First day of blogging~
When I created this blog, the first thing my bro said was "Are you sure you can update your blog as often as others?" Well, honestly, I had a second thought after that.....Can I really make it? I don't know! hehe..... Basically i had no idea how to start all these things. I even asked chee on how to upload songs and all that. And being the typically chee, she said "You can read it from the layout there. Slowly learn la! U think I so fast also know meh? Swt ==" Dumb me huh? Nevermind.......Nevermind! I'll learn! hehe. Starting off with my fav color - purple! Guess that's all for a start~ =)
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