Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CNY 2009..........

After a long gap from my previous post, there are so many things I want to share but I'm just to busy lately with 6 assignments to be submitted in March and 7 mid-sem papers to sit for. I've just sat for 2 which means there are still 5 more to go. I'll be sitting for another one in like another 6 hours. This sem is really tough. We have a shorter period and so everything is being rushed. My aim to get 3.5 and above this sem seems to be fading away. =(

In my previous post, I mentioned that I've dyed my hair. I'm quite satisfied with the outcome. ^.^ Oh, for my CNY this year, there's nothing much to spare but overall I still had fun because we have 2 newcomers during the "pai ni" sessions! Here are some of the pics.

The "lou sang"......


One of the newcomer Ah Mel (Meldric).......

Another newcomer Ah Ven (Vendar).......

Ah Kongs with the soons.........

Last but not least the hug hug........ ^.^

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